Company Contact


Stay in touch with us

Tell Us About Your Home Just fill out the easy-to-use form at the bottom to tell us about your home. That way we can provide you with an in-depth market analysis and determine a competitive listing price for your property when you sell. Please note, we will never share or sell your private contact information with a third party. By giving us your phone number and email address, you are giving us permission to contact you via email or phone. We look Forward to talking to you and your family.

Opening hours

We are Open 7 Days a Week.

Monday - Sunday

8 - 5

email us anytime

8 - 5


BoardWalk Premier Realty

7465 PineCrest Rd

Pine Springs, MN 55115

telephone: 651-334-8312


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When it comes time to place your Home, Townhouse, Waterfront Property, Condo, Contract for Deed on the market in Minnesota or Wisconsin, you will have many decisions to make. It has often been said that selling a home is a challenging event, especially if you begin to think about the many wonderful memories that are attached to your current home.

You can trust us to help you sell your home quickly and for top dollar.

Take the Next Step

Ready to get started? Contact BoardWalk Premier Realty 651-334-8312 and start talking to an expert right away. If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to help.

BoardWalk Premier Realty